Friday 27 July 2012

Progress Report 2

You will see that so far I have managed to visit two closed railways (the Leek & Manifold and the Glyn Valley Tramway) and travelled on four railways (the Great Orme Tramway, the Bala Lake Railway, the Fairbourne Railway and the Talyllyn Railway). For now, I am concentrating on those in Wales as many of them are within a day's travelling of home and I have a discount card from the Little Trains of Wales website which gives me 20% discount on some of the railways.

Over the winter I prepared a spreadsheet detailing the locations, contact details and opening times of all the railways which fit my criteria - this has been uploaded as a Word document to Google Docs from where it can be downloaded if you feel the need.

In addition I have created a Google Map showing the actual location of each railway.

View Narrow Gauge Railways in a larger map

This took some considerable time to collate, as several locations shown on Google are inaccurate and others are not shown at all. I am presently preparing a map showing the routes of all the closed narrow gauge railways. This is taking a lot longer to complete as I am trying to use satellite images, old Ordnance Survey maps and web-based information to show as accurately as possible where the railways ran. As you can see, the map is not yet complete:

I have also plotted all the railways on a large scale wall map which acts like a plan of campaign in my study. It certainly helps ensure I make the most of any trips I make. Over the summer I intend to visit more of the Welsh narrow gauge railways and may opportunistically visit a few others when they happen to be en route or near to other places I am visiting for other purposes.

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