Wednesday 29 September 2021

The Wells and Walsingham Light Railway

In a nutshell

Gauge:          10¼" (260mm)

Length:       4 miles (6.4km)

Opened:      1857 (Standard gauge) 6 April 1982 (present railway)


Wells & Walsingham Light Railway
Stiffkey Road
NR23 1QB

Tel:         01328 711630

Date of visit:     24th - 25th September 2021

Key Facts

  • The railway claims to be the longest 10¼ inch gauge railway and the smallest gauged public railway in the world
  • The trackbed for the line was once the standard gauge railway which ran from Wymondham to Wells where there was a terminus
  • Wells on Sea Station was also the terminus for the Heacham to Wells branchline
  • The original railway was built quite cheaply and so follows the undulations of the landscape and hence includes some fairly stiff gradients (up to 1 in 66)
  • The Wells and Walsingham Railway was established by Lieutenant-Commander Roy Wallace Francis  (1922 - 2015) a former British naval office
  • The railway's principal locomotives are two 2-6-0+0-6-2 Garratt steam locomotives (Norfolk Hero and Norfolk Heroine) and a Bo-Bo diesel loco (Norfolk Harvester)
  • The railway runs five trains each way during the summer season and four trains each way during the spring and autumn
  • There is a shop with a small range of refreshments available at Wells on Sea station
  • There is a large, free car park at Wells and the village (pay and display) car park at Walsingham is a five minute walk from the station


My Impressions

I started my visit by going straight to the main station at Wells, where I familiarised myself with its layout and facilities.

The ground floor of the signal box includes a shop and a café serving a basic array of drinks and snacks.

Immediately behind the signal box is the engine shed and turning to the opposite end of the platform is the carriage shed. Spare stock is also stored on the siding behind the platform loop.

There is a large grassy car park, picnic facilities a play area for children and a gift shop selling locally produced paintings, ornaments and clothing accessories.

Ere long, a steam whistle announced the imminent arrival of a train from Walsingham.

I watched the train disgorge its passengers and the rather magnificent Garratt loco (Norfolk Heroine) run round its train.....

A few minutes later, the train departed for Walsingham

Most of the passengers decided to sit in the open topped carriages to make the most of the gorgeous late September sunshine with which we were blessed during my visit.

The following day, I revisited the line. This time going straight to Walsingham station where a large group of passengers was patiently awaiting the arrival of the first train of the day.

Once more, Norfolk Heroine had been rostered ......

.... and, after running-round, ........

...... she made a swift and efficient departure with quite a heavy train.

I hastened back to my car and then sped up the road, parked and was able to observe the train passing through Wighton

Returning to the car, I was then able to watch the train climbing the bank out of Warham

Another short car journey and I was able to catch the train's arrival into Wells, where the loco ran round and took on more coal and water.

Before long, the train departed once more.

I then drove down to Wells harbour where I found a very pleasant eatery and bought a few essential supplies, before returning to the station for my afternoon's adventure. .......

..... a cab ride!

Despite its diminutive size, the cab, while cosy, was sufficiently large to accommodate myself and the driver who described in detail the actions required to keep the locomotive performing at its optimum.

A 1 in 80 gradient out of the station is followed by a very short 1 in 440 gradient .........

...... then another 1 in 76 gradient - all within the first mile!

There then followed a 1 in 66 decent then a 1 in 96 ascent, and so the driver (who acts as fireman) has his work cut out ensuring the correct balance between fire and water level, as it runs from one end of the boiler to the other, maintains sufficient steam pressure for the climbs, without wasting steam on the descents.

In addition, there are five ungated level crossings and two intermediate halts to contend with so the train's speed has to be optimised for the conditions and there is much rather creative use of the whistle to alert drivers and warn potential passengers of the train's imminent arrival.

After three miles, there is a long and steady 1 in 80 climb .........

...... into Walsingham station, where a knot of passengers was awaiting our arrival.

After a sprightly run-round, we departed ......

There was time to admire the surrounding landscape which, at this time of year is quite picturesque with the lengthening shadows from the afternoon sun.

The passengers also seemed to be enjoying the sunshine and vistas of the Norfolk countryside - not to mention the ride!

As we approached Wells, I was alerted by the driver to a local avian resident perched on a branch just above the track.

On cue, the buzzard swooped down the track ahead of the train before swerving off to the left. A rather poignant and impressive end my rail-borne experience.

We slowly and, to my mind, rather majestically, coasted into the station.

This is an experience which will live with me for a long time. What a lovely little railway in a beautiful setting and an extremely picturesque part of the world. 

I can thoroughly recommend this railway for a visit. There is plenty to see and do in the area for all ages - and I can also endorse the quality of the dressed crab sandwiches available from the eateries in the town.


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