Thursday 7 July 2022

Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway


In a nutshell

Gauge:       15" (38.1cm)

Length:      1,150 yards (1,050 m) or 2,130 yards (1,950 m)

Opened:     1948 - Original 10¼" gauge railway opened
                    1949 - Railway extended
                    1972 - Line extended and changed to 14¼" gauge
                    1991 - Gauge changed to 15" and refurbished
                    2007 - Railway extended 


Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway
Lakeside Station
Kings Road
North East Lincolnshire
DN35 0AG


Date of visit:     3rd July 2022

Key Facts

  • The original line opened in 1948 as the Cleethorpes Miniature Railway in 1948 as a 10¼" miniature railway. It was relocated to its present site and extended in 1949.
  • It was re-gauged to 14½" in 1972 and provided with two steam outline locos built by Severn Lamb
  • In 1991 the railway was privatised, renamed the Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway and regauged to 15". A National Lottery grant led to the acquisition of stock from the Sutton Miniature Railway, including the original 1907 Bassett-Lowke locomotive 'Mighty Atom'. The Sutton locos have now been sold to the Windmill Hill Railway in Lancashire
  • A new 800 yard (730m)  extension from Lakeside Station to Humberston North Sea Lane was opened in 2007,
  • The railway now has five steam locomotives including a replica of Effie, an Arthur Heywood minimum gauge loco which ran on the Duffield Bank Railway in 1874
  • The railway is open every day from April to October
  • There are shops at both termini and hot food, beverages and alcoholic drinks available at Lakeside Station


My Impressions

There is an enormous Pay and Display car park adjacent to the main Lakeside Station and so, after parking the car, I made my way to the station to buy a ticket. A train was just departing and so I had twenty-five minutes to kill. As it was lunchtime, bought a cup of tea and a hot dog from the food outlet.

By the time I had finished, the train had returned and so I made my way to the platform to board it. On the leading end of the train, ex Fairbourne Railway 0-6-0DM Rachel was ticking over awaiting the signal to depart.

We soon set off with around half the seats full. Within a short while we passed the storage sheds for the locos and stock .......

.... before passing through the sea wall and out on to the promenade.

We chugged along beside the prom for around half a mile ......

..... before passing through the sea wall once more .....

..... and crossing over the boating lake.

Within a short while we pulled into Cleethorpes Kingsway Station.

Rather than using my return ticket, I decided to stroll back alongside the line. After watching the departure of the train, hauled this time by a heavily disguised 1944 Lister 0-4-0DM loco.

Around twenty five minutes later, the train returned ......

.... so I made my way towards Lakeside Station to await its next passing.

At Lakeside, I was able to peruse the shop and bought a couple of informative and well illustrated booklets about the Sutton Miniature Railway.

I was intrigued by the extension which, during my visit, was not in use. I understand that it usually comes into operation during the school holidays when the railway also runs at least one of its steam locomotives. It looks like I may have to make a return visit.

With its interesting history and heritage, this is a railway well worth a visit. Even at the time of year I visited, the railway was well patronised - mostly by families with young children. The staff seemed to be very friendly and the railway well-run and, with plenty of nearby attractions and with food and drink available on-site, it is a place well worth a visit.


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